Saving Money on Summer Travel (And Summer Utilities Too)

A Travel Widget for Your Home

The summer travel season will soon be upon us so here are two questions for you to ponder...

1. While you're busily locating those summer travel deals are you simultaneously dreading those summer electric bills?

2. Does your home's furnace and air conditioner thermostat only have three settings -- up, down, and off?

If your answer is yes to either of those questions, the Energy saving video above will show you how to install a programmable thermostat in your home which can save you a lot of money on home energy consumption and give you lots of extra cash to spend on summer travel.

Microsoft Hohm's energy-aware website has some terrific ideas on how to save money on home energy consumption. This programmable thermostat for instance is super smart, super easy to install, and absolutely worth the small amount of hassle it will take to purchase the unit and get it working. And if you plan to travel on and off this summer you will be very glad that you put in in when those utility bills roll around! The best advice in that particular clip is the strong suggestion that you secure the wires before you pull the old thermostat out. You do not want to have to fish around for those wires again or be forced to run new leads.

The Hohm site renders personalized reports on your current energy efficiency (or inefficiency) and it features how-to videos that will show you how to save money on nearly all of your home appliances. It's still a little cold outside in the evenings but you can turn the heat off for the small amount of time required to install the unit and start saving on heat costs right away. Plus, if your thermostat is a dual unit you'll be ready to get ahead on air conditioning costs.

So visit the Hohm site when you get a minute and get your home ready for the summer travel season!
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